Geography is one of the sciences about the planet Earth - our common home, the only planet in the solar system where a representative of the species Homo sapiens lives - a reasonable person. Numerous representatives of the animal and plant world live and peacefully coexist on it. There are continents, oceans and air, without which life is impossible. Unfortunately, inhabited worlds, galaxies and universes conquered by man, remain a reality only in the world of science fiction.

Earth from space (view from the surface of the moon) ()

The limits of the inhabited Oikoumene are what geography studies. The boundaries of the known world expanded significantly when man first circled the planet, went into outer space, was able to live and work for months and years in zero gravity at stations launched into planetary orbit. And yet, despite the active development of science and technology, the only space surface that man has set foot on is our satellite, the Moon.

The Moon is the Earth's satellite ()

The struggle for supremacy in space has lost its relevance, but the role of geography has increased in the modern world. Today, no country in the world, no matter how developed it is, cannot extend space travel beyond the Earth-Moon system only with the help of its economic potential. Therefore, the question of why it is necessary to study geography is relevant right now, because the future belongs to joint global projects. It is the collective cooperation of many countries involved in the construction, development, allocation of financial resources and intellectual resources that can help humanity rise one more step in space exploration.

Today, a similar project already exists - this is the international space station (ISS), built by several states (construction began in 1998), initially leading in the space industry. Russia is also a leader because it was the first in the world to launch the domestic Salyut space station into Earth's orbit.

International Space Station)

The next station after the Moon for the younger generation is clear - this is Mars. And now is the time to get acquainted with a new science that will help to understand the meaning of geography in general, to find out how unique and unrepeatable our planet is not only in the Solar System, but also in itself, carrying life in all its variety of species.

The planet Mars ()

The Earth is not only one of the planets of the solar system, she was lucky enough to be inhabited. Therefore, the role of geography in solving the global problems of mankind is great and truly immense. Man is surrounded by an amazingly beautiful, diverse and unique world. It has its own laws and every second there are certain natural processes and phenomena that affect a person positively or negatively.

View of Mount Fuji, Japan ()

Northern Lights, Finland ()

People see the change of seasons, how sunrises give way to sunsets, and clouds and thunderclouds sweep across the sky. Become witnesses of devastating earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and tsunamis. They read news about new species of animals and plants, changes in the borders and names of states, and much more. “What”, “where” and “why” are the main questions that have been worrying people since ancient times. The role of geography in human life is to explain the nature of the processes and phenomena occurring around.

Tornado, USA ()

Shiveluch volcano eruption, Kamchatka, Russia ()

Tsunami wave, 1.5 meters high, Japan ()

The theme of geography and geographical facts is widely represented by world cinema. A rich legacy of feature films and documentaries about the role of geography in the world has been created. Poets and writers of the Golden and Silver Ages dedicated their works - poetry and prose - to her: I. Lando, F. Tyutchev, etc.

Do not lag behind the recognized masters of the pen and schoolchildren of the 21st century. Turning the first page of the textbook, they quietly plunge into the world of the most interesting subject, learning the true role of geography in modern society. They try to transfer their emotions from regular geographical discoveries to paper.

One of the main meanings of geography in a person's life is the expansion of his horizons. Throughout life, people see with their own eyes how the world in which they live is changing. Changes in riverbeds and climate, the appearance and disappearance of lakes, new species of animals and plants, states, and the like do not happen somewhere on Mars or Venus, but next to us every day. Being a part of these changes, understanding their causes, being able to predict the future and striving to make life on the planet better - this is what an amazing geographical discipline teaches.

Southern part of Russia (view from space) ()

What does geography study and who invented it?

In general, geography is the science of the earth. The term is formed from two Greek words “geo” (earth) and “grapho” (I write, describe). Literally translated as “description of the earth” or “land description”. Consequently, geography is a natural science, the purpose of which is to describe the processes occurring in the surrounding space. Why did Greek words become the basis for introducing a new term into life?

An interesting story is connected with this geographical moment, the age of which is more than 2000 years.

It is believed that the name of the scientist who gave the name to the science of "geography" is Eratosthenes of Cyrene, the greatest ancient Greek philosopher. He lived at the turn of the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Today we can say with confidence how powerful the breakthrough for the development of science was, which Eratosthenes launched with a light hand, the contribution to the development of the geography of this man turned out to be truly great.

The founder of the science of "geography" first used the term in his philosophical writings. Until our time, references to the book of Eratosthenes "Geography" have been preserved. Although there is nothing surprising in this - he was the second chief custodian of the famous Egyptian Library of Alexandria (after the Greek Zenodotus of Ephesus, philologist and poet, commentator on Homer), which existed in ancient Alexandria. Naturally, he was given access to the works of his compatriots, and those who lived before them.

It was access to numerous materials that prompted the ancient scientist to create a generalized geographical treatise. The question of what Eratosthenes did for geography can be briefly answered as follows: he rewrote the data on all the inhabited lands of his era. At the same time, Eratosthenes relied only on factual material, confirmed by papyri and other sources of knowledge.

Eratosthenes of Cyrene ()

Thanks to his work for many centuries, Eratosthenes became the one who discovered geography as a science. The reason is not only that he came up with a new name for his offspring. The living mind of the scientist snatched important facts from the studied descriptions and for the first time formulated cause-and-effect relationships that are still relevant. Therefore, it is not for nothing that Eratosthenes is considered the “father” of geography.

First of all, we need to understand what contribution Eratosthenes made to geography, why he was remembered by his contemporaries the most, and how it turned out that it was his conclusions that have come down to our time almost unchanged.

  • Eratosthenes is credited with the "birth" of the concept of "climatic zones of the Earth." He was able to mathematically accurately explain the boundaries between them, which are still similar to modern views on the equator, the tropics and the polar circles, only he called them a little differently.
  • He is also a pioneer in map making. His cartographic work, which has come down to our days, is a map of the Oikumene. He transferred to it all the relevant information about the new lands, obtained thanks to the military expeditions of Alexander the Great and his followers. Its main advantages: quite predictable contours of land and seas on a significant segment of the earth's surface, with the possibility of real calculation of distances. In search of his "paradise" - amazing India - Columbus considered the map of Eratosthenes to be the standard. He planned his journey along it, proving the relative proximity of the search object, if you move from the European coast in a westerly direction.
  • Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth at the equator (40 thousand km), "missing" only 200 km. And this is such a trifle, given what the great Greek scientist who lived 22 centuries ago, far from calculators and modern smartphones, used for his measurements and conclusions.

Map of Eratosthenes - Inhabited Ecumene ()

The conclusions of Eratosthenes helped to further form the criteria by which the main subject of close study of the new discipline was determined. In this case, the "terrestrial surface" is what physical geography studies from ancient times to the present day. Eratosthenes turned out to be not only an outstanding analyst of antiquity, but also a real scientist who influenced the development of the science of geography for the next millennia.

The role, significance and place of geography in the economic activity of mankind

Speaking about the role of geography as a whole, we must remember that its essence has not changed much. After all, it is not without reason that the question: “Why is geography called an ancient science?” — is considered appropriate to this day. Modern man, armed with knowledge and the latest technologies, is doing the same thing as the ancient man: he describes and studies the surface of the earth and its changes, displaying it in a form that is accessible to him. Unlike our distant ancestors, who left their knowledge of the world around them in the form of primitive charcoal drawings on the walls of their native cave, a person has a wider range of tools and devices at his disposal. With their help, he describes a new phenomenon and fixes it with various methods: graphic, in the form of a text file, 3D format, telemetry, etc.

Weather station Vladivostok, Russia)

The initial accumulation of geographical knowledge, oddly enough, was facilitated by internecine and aggressive wars. From here begins the countdown, how old is the science of geography. Since ancient times, the conquered lands were inhabited by the families of the winners, nationalities mixed, trade grew, and with it the demand for exotic goods and spices.

Ancient Egypt, as the most prosperous and powerful region, equipped military companies in the central part of the African continent, along the coasts of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean as early as the beginning of the 3rd century BC. Accordingly, the horizons of people expanded. Knowledge about the surrounding spaces accumulated and multiplied, skills in the field of using celestial bodies as the main landmarks, which facilitated the path of ancient travelers, progressed. Therefore, the role of geography in the life of society grew, since the success of farming and cattle breeding, for example, depended on correct knowledge. If people had not observed the flooding of rivers and other periodic natural phenomena every year, the ancient branches of the economy would not have been able to develop successfully. Thus, geography contributed to the emergence of ancient calendars and laid the foundations that explain the change of seasons.

The concept of the calendar)

At the same time, the forces and observations of the ancestors of modern Pakistanis discovered monsoon winds that affect agriculture and livestock in Southeast Asia. Geographical components are also present in ancient Indian treatises. For example, in the Vedas there is a whole chapter on the cosmology of that time, and in the Mahabharata there is a list of oceans, mountain systems and sacred rivers.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that at the beginning of its development, geography had a descriptive meaning. Wherever a person lived, he everywhere was engaged in the accumulation of knowledge, which was transmitted from generation to generation not only by the exchange of personal experience, but also through the addition of poems, verses, philosophical works, etc.

Transfer and exchange of knowledge ()

The answer to the question, "What objects does geography study?" many-sided and many-sided. A few words can't cover it. Because the geographical shell in which a person lives is a complex structure in which all natural elements are closely interconnected. Breaking the links between them is easy, understanding and maintaining unchanged is much more difficult.

However, the specificity and multiplicity of research objects led to the fact that a single geographical discipline was divided into a number of narrowly focused branch branches. And now geography is a system of sciences!

System of Geographic Sciences ()

The main division concerned nature and economy. Therefore, geography in the system of geographical sciences is divided into two parts: physical and economic, studies the nature and laws of development of the world economy, respectively.

Recently, a third one has been singled out - social, since the era of global geographical discoveries has already ended, and the study of the living conditions and activities of the planet's population as part of nature is still going on.

There is also an unofficial division in which geographical cartography is distinguished separately from these three branches.

However, this is not the limit of separation. The questions in each part of geography are so voluminous that each industry group is further subdivided, resembling a tree with branches. For example, physical geography is divided into three subgroups that analyze different subjects of study.

  • Geography - tracks the features of the geographic shell.
  • Landscape science - considers the diversity of natural-territorial complexes.
  • Paleogeography - tells about the physical and geographical conditions of the earth's geological past.

These scientific disciplines are also voluminous, therefore they have their own hierarchy according to the types of objects studied. They can unite in a common alliance, studying one element of the geographical shell, but from different angles. Thus, in particular, the alliance for the study of water bodies is divided into the following science categories:

  • about climate (climatology);
  • about weather conditions (meteorology);
  • about the relief (geomorphology);
  • about the oceans (oceanology);
  • about ice (glaciology);
  • about natural waters (hydrology).

Geography Tree ()

Depending on the depth of research and the number of subjects of study, these sciences are further divided. For example, hydrology studies water in all its diversity, but water is not only rain and snow. There are many water bodies on the planet that require more detailed study. This is how limnology arose, studying the lakes of the planet and their features, swamp science, where the subject of close attention of geographers is already clear from the name, etc. Such fragmentation is necessary in order to successfully solve the problems of the modern science of geography.

Various types of soils and living organisms are “sorted out”:

  • Soil geography.
  • Biogeography.

The development of technological progress during the 20th century showed how geography is related to other sciences. New geographical teachings began to appear, emerging at the junction of contact with other independent non-geographical disciplines. So, for example, geography appeared:

  • medical;
  • ecological;
  • engineering;
  • socio-economic;
  • cartographic, etc.

Having studied the geographical tree rich in branches, one can sum up why to study geography: the subject is so multifaceted that dozens of other disciplines are needed to understand what, how and why is happening on the planet in general and around man in particular.

Diverse humanity ()

How has the specifics of the subject of study of geography changed from ancient times to the present?

Today it is amazing to think that the history of the development of geography as a science began in ancient times. To accumulate knowledge about the earth's surface and display them on maps and in descriptions, it took mankind millennia. Moreover, geography is a living science, and the cumulative process of knowledge continues to this day. It is enough for modern schoolchildren and students to open the atlas - and the whole world is before their eyes. Whereas their contemporaries, who lived more than two thousand years ago, were puzzled by the question: how far is the end of the earth from them.

For a long time, while geography was "growing up", until it received a full-fledged "certificate" - the title of an independent science, the main forms of research organization were formed and improved. Initially, these were hiking and horse-drawn trips and expeditions. Then they were replaced by complex observations at specially equipped stations (antarctic, arctic, high-mountain, deep-sea, mines). And the technical apogee of the 21st century is multi-complex research from space orbital stations that solve the problems of modern geography.

There are no white spots on the world map for a long time, but there are enough places in the world where the foot of a “white” person has not yet set foot, and there are enough such areas:

  • parts of inner Antarctica;
  • wilds of the Amazon;
  • highland region of Tibet;
  • the mountainous regions of the Cordillera, the Andes and the great Himalayas;
  • Russian vast Siberia and the Far East;
  • the central regions of Australia;
  • areas of the Great Deserts - Sahara, Gobi, etc.

Wilds of the Amazon ()

Himalayas, panorama ()

Antarctica, panorama from a bird's eye view ()

The initial physical geography is the basis of all subsequent knowledge of the earth's surface. The structure of the course is represented by 4 headings, after studying which it will become clear what modern geography is studying:

  1. The earth's surface in a planar outline.
  2. Shells of the planet: litho, atmo, hydro, bio.
  3. Humanity as an object of study.
  4. Interaction between nature and man.

The results of studying these topics will be new knowledge about:

  • how to use the image of the Earth on plans and maps and determine the "addresses" of geographical objects;
  • how to generalize the received “baggage of knowledge”;
  • how to correctly describe the processes taking place in the 4 main geographical shells of the plan.

The process of studying primary physical geography gives rise to the education of geographical culture, understanding the specific language of science, the ability to independently seek answers to questions using numerous resources of a geographical orientation.

Children with globe ()


Horse-drawn transport is a type of transport in which carts are driven by animals (horses, oxen, etc.). Derived from the word "tug" - a leather or rope loop in a harness.

The skill of geography will help to discover the world in its every variety. With the help of this ancient science, you will travel to other cities and countries without leaving your apartment or class. Comprehension of this school subject contributes to the formation of skills about the planet Earth.

You will need

  • textbook, atlas, games


1. Change your attitude towards the subject. Geography is not only dreary contour maps and cramming data on the number of useful minerals in one place or another. This is also the comprehension of the planet on which you live, the laws of separation of natural components and methods of their combination. Due to geography, you will be better at presenting a map of the world and will be able to draw up an itinerary for traveling to other countries. If in the future you want to deal with economics, politics, ecology, you cannot do without this subject.

2. Allocate your time correctly. In order to learn more effectively and quickly, master the laws of time management. Be able to distinguish between the essential and the secondary. Start your homework with more difficult questions, and leave the easy tasks for last. Make a personal schedule and stick to it. Do not be distracted by idle talk, watching TV and surfing the Internet while preparing for lessons. To do this, allocate time for rest.

3. Comprehend the atlas. Get it in paper or electronic form. Maps contain a lot of information about countries and cities. In addition to the physical part showing the terrain, it includes economic, political, climatic, religious and social parts. The atlas tells about the spread of different religions in the regions of the world, about the density of population and the average tier of income, fertility, mortality, and the formation of branches of industry. Learn to read them correctly. If your visual memory is better developed, then mastering geography using an atlas is your strong point.

4. Use interesting games and riddles to understand the subject. The fun element will make learning glorious and fun. Discover geography quizzes. Install them on your computer or phone and learn while enjoying. In addition, you can buy literature on geography, which differs from textbooks in a strange presentation of the material.

For many students, the rapid completion of homework seems an impossible task. However, to facilitate the preparation of lessons and reduce the time required for this is acceptable. To do this, it is absolutely enough to follow some rules.


1. Before everyone, it is worth learning how to plan your day. To do this, it is not necessary to draw up a schedule in which everything is scheduled every minute - it would really be enough to roughly calculate what needs to be done and how long it can take. At the same time, it should be considered that after school it would be really worth taking a break for 1-1.5 hours, and then start doing homework.

2. In order to accustom yourself to start doing the lessons at the time allotted for this, it is allowed to set an alarm clock. In addition, with the help of an alarm clock, it is allowed to arrange 10-minute breaks after a certain time interval, for example, after an entire hour.

3. It is possible to save a lot of time needed for doing homework if you concentrate on it. Therefore, before sitting down for lessons, you need to get rid of everyone that can be distracting: turn off the TV and radio, “forget” your mobile phone in the next room, put your favorite magazines away, and so on. Also, if when performing tasks there is no need to search for any information on the Internet, you must also turn off the computer.

4. Later, what you need to remember what items need to be done and decide in what order. In order to make it easier to concentrate, it is allowed to arrange textbooks and notebooks in neat piles and, in the course of doing homework, set aside those that are more closely done. At the same time, with which items to start - with light or heavy ones - depends on individual characteristics. Those who start off without difficulty, but quickly get tired, should start with more difficult tasks. Those who find it difficult to concentrate at the beginning of work should start with tasks that are more easy.

5. It is worth noting that it is faster to do homework the task help different shocks. So, for example, it is allowed to start going to some additional classes or to be burdened, so that after completing the lessons there is time for your favorite hobby.

Modern geography is a whole complex of ordinary and social sciences. To date, scientists have collected a large amount of knowledge about the Earth, and the science of geography has its own long and fascinating history of origin.

Geography in antiquity

Geography can be considered one of the most ancient sciences, since no other knowledge was as significant for a person as knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world. Knowing how to navigate the terrain, look for sources of water, shelter, predict the weather - all this was necessary for a person to survive. Indeed, the prototypes of maps - drawings on skins depicting the plan of the area - were still among primitive people, geography for a long time was not a science in the full sense. If science formulates the laws of phenomena and answers the question “why?”, then geography, over a long period of its existence, rather found it difficult to describe phenomena, that is, to answer the questions “what?” and where?". In addition, in ancient times, geography was closely connected with other sciences, including the humanities: often the question of the shape of the Earth or its location in a clear system was more philosophical than natural science.

Achievements of ancient geographers

Despite the fact that the ancient geographers had not so many chances to experimentally study diverse phenomena, they still managed to achieve certain triumphs. So in Ancient Egypt, due to regular astronomical observations, scientists were able to determine the length of the year extremely correctly, and a land cadastre was also made in Egypt. Many significant discoveries were made in Ancient Greece. For example, the Greeks assumed that the Earth was spherical. Significant arguments in favor of this point of view were expressed by Aristotle, and Aristarchus of Samos for the first time indicated the approximate distance from the Earth to the Sun. It was the Greeks who began to use parallels and meridians, and also learned to determine geographical coordinates. The Stoic philosopher Crates of Malla was the first to make a model of a globe. The most ancient peoples energetically explored the bordering world, embarking on sea and land travel. Many scientists (Herodotus, Strabo, Ptolemy) tried to streamline the existing knowledge about the Earth in their works. For example, in the work of Claudius Ptolemy "Geography" data were collected on 8000 geographical names, and the coordinates of about four hundred points were also indicated. Also, it was in ancient Greece that the main directions of geographical science were outlined, which were later developed by many brilliant scientists.

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Geography is a discipline that includes many sections. Mastering this science helps a person to get an idea of ​​the world in which he lives, to better understand it. The study of this subject also awakens an interest in travel, new cultures. How to learn geography? How not to get confused by the numerous names of places? Where to begin?

How to learn geography: choosing an approach

It is customary to single out two main approaches to the study of this discipline. The student can move from small to large and vice versa. In the first case, a person, for example, begins the study from the area in which he lives. The framework expands until he has a general picture of the world. In the second case, the student first gets an idea about the planet as a whole, and then moves on to narrower areas of knowledge.

How to learn geography if the approach "from the particular to the general" is chosen. The first thing to do is to get an idea of ​​your city or region. Then you can go to your region or region, explore the surrounding regions. When the whole country has been studied, you can move on to acquaintance with neighboring states.

The approach "from the general to the particular" suggests that a person begins the study of geography from the continents and oceans. This is followed by countries, then their regions, largest cities and capitals, and so on.

Explore the cards

How to learn geography and not get confused by the names? Maps will help you with this task. They are detailed to varying degrees. You need to choose those that contain all the information necessary at a certain stage of training.

Contour maps are also an effective tool for studying geography. Names of countries, regions, cities can be applied to them. First, this is done for better assimilation of information, then to test their own knowledge. It is better to fill in the cards with a pencil, this allows you to use them repeatedly.

Deepening knowledge

How to learn geography and get an idea of ​​the world? It is not enough to memorize the name of the state and its position on the map. Be sure to establish links between the country and the people who inhabit it. Studying the culture of local residents will help make the learning process more effective and interesting.

Civilizations have always been born near water, so you should pay attention to the study of waterways. Near the oceans, seas and rivers is the majority of large settlements. One can imagine what sea voyages and shipping were like in different historical periods.

Attention should also be paid to the borders between states. Often, borders between countries have a long history of conflict. It will be useful to learn about the ancient names of states and cities, about the reasons why they changed.

Visual images, associations

How to learn a paragraph in geography? If a person confines himself to memorizing names, this will not bring him the expected results. First you need to understand what is being discussed in a particular paragraph, try to retell the information in your own words. Then you can turn to the visual way. For example, find the location of a particular country on a map, watch a documentary dedicated to it, study photographs of local residents and tourists.

The process of memorization will be facilitated by associations. For example, London is associated in many people with Big Ben.

How easy is it to learn geography? Success depends on regular practice. It is better to sit down for textbooks for 30 minutes every day than to give it a whole day off. Also, the student will be helped by the ability to highlight the main thing, to shorten texts. You should not try to remember everything, nothing will come of it, it will lead to fatigue and disappointment. First of all, you can memorize what causes the greatest interest.

Today, more and more often you can meet people who have visited many parts of our planet, but still have difficulty using maps and orienting themselves in them. At the same time, a good knowledge of geography can expand opportunities while traveling and opens access to interesting modern professions.

Why does modern man need geography

In ancient times, the idea of ​​the world was formed from personal experience. People traveled, visited different countries and made routes. Much attention was paid to maps and the ability to use the phenomena of the surrounding world for navigation. Progress has given us GPS navigators that independently plot routes using given coordinates, online applications, and cellular communications. All this makes life easier, but often deprives us of knowledge about the world around us.

In everyday life, the use of star navigation or map orientation is used in sports and in hobbies. It can be tourism or trips on a yacht. In work, knowledge of this science can be useful in such professions:

  • economist;
  • logistician;
  • biogeographer;
  • sociologist;
  • surveyor;
  • geocreologist;
  • geoinformatician.

Many sciences are connected with geography. If you are interested in studying history, you need to navigate the maps that correspond to their time, be able to compare them with modern ones. This also applies to lovers of archeology.

Especially carefully study geography in the mining and oil industries. The area where historically minerals could be formed is being studied. During construction, the position of lithospheric plates and their activity are taken into account. This helps to foresee possible complications during earthquakes.

As you can see, geography is useful in a variety of industries, from tourism to politics. Such knowledge can always be used.

What do you need to study geography

Starting to master new information, try to discard all negative thoughts and emotions. If you have already tried, but the study did not bring the desired results, you just need to change something in the learning process. For each age there are methods and programs.

To work with a child of preschool and primary school age, it is best to choose a game form. The use of visual material is especially necessary. For example, orientation in the area can be developed with simple games. Hang a large poster with a map of the world in your child's room. Make up stories and questions about countries and cities. In places where oceans and seas are located, you can hang drawings of ships, and mark countries with flags made with your child. The main thing is that the training is fun and evokes positive emotions.

For older children, use:

  • globe;
  • contour maps;
  • encyclopedias;
  • table games.

Studying geography with your child, you develop his erudition and consolidate your own knowledge. You can update your knowledge with the help of special printed publications, video blogs, or simply by going on a trip.

Ways to study geography

The first acquaintance with the basics of geographical science begins in early childhood. More detailed and detailed study takes place within the framework of the school curriculum. Classical education offers a lot of useful information, but we are not always ready to perceive it. Therefore, non-standard modern methods can be used.

These can be lessons with a tutor who will introduce the child to the necessary information and suggest interesting books and resources. Use online courses in which textual material is backed up by photo and video accompaniment. For better memorability, use audio files, pictures, pronounce new concepts and names on your own.

To get started, use narrowly focused classes: from small to large. The main thing is to determine the area of ​​​​interest to you. Geography covers many details. For example, cartography will help in making routes or finding new places. Regional studies are used in politics, helping to shape the path of economic and social development. Try different activities and forms to see what works best for your child.

Planet Earth is magnificent, multifaceted, it is fraught with surprises and treasures for those who are ready to discover them.

Learning geography is a task that can be daunting. Geography is a vast discipline that includes many sections, and memorizing place names, especially out of context, can seem boring and difficult. However, mastering this science can give you a sense of deep satisfaction and help you better understand the world in which we live. It is possible that the study of geography will develop into a true passion for travel and acquaintance with new cultures!


Part 1

  1. Decide for what purpose you are teaching geography. The approach to learning will be determined by your goal. Whether you just want to learn more about the world around you or get better at answering geography questions in quizzes, the stakes are pretty low. If you are planning to travel around several countries with a backpack and need to have an idea of ​​​​the route, or if you slept through your geography class and now you need to study for an exam, a lot can be at stake.

    • Ask yourself what you hope to achieve as a result of studying geography, and let the answer to that question help you determine your specific area and approach.
    • For example, if you are going on a solo trip to Europe, you need to focus on the region you are going to and learn about its culture, currency, and languages ​​spoken in that area.
  2. Define frames. It is impossible to learn everything about all the places in the world at once. Setting boundaries for yourself—exploring a small area thoroughly or gaining general knowledge of a much larger area—will help you decide on your next approach. Here are some examples of such frames:

    • Learn all the streets in your city
    • Learn all the main roads in your area
    • Learn all districts and district centers (or other administrative divisions) in the region (state, province)
    • Learn all the regions (regions) of your country
    • Learn all the countries of the world
    • Learn all the continents, oceans and most populated countries
    • Learn all the countries that speak English
    • Learn all the countries of Europe
  3. Choose an approach. There are two main approaches to the study of geography: from small to large or from large to small. Going from small to large means that you start with your local area and gradually expand the scope until you get a general idea of ​​​​the world. When moving from large to small, the study begins with a general picture of the world and then moves to deeper "layers" and narrow areas of knowledge.

    • If you're taking a "special-to-general" approach, start by exploring your city or area. Then learn about the neighboring districts, then about the region or region. Then study the regions bordering yours, then - bordering them. When you learn your country, move on to neighboring states. Continue to expand the boundaries of your study until you have a sufficient understanding of the geography of the whole world.
    • If you're taking a general-to-specific approach, start by exploring the continents and oceans. Then learn the countries. Then - the capitals of all countries. Then study the largest cities and regions of each state, then - who is the head of each of them. Continue until you reach the level of knowledge that is your goal. You can work in this way one continent at a time.
  4. Study the cards. To learn geography you need maps. There are many geographic maps available on the Internet, but you can also use paper maps. Maps contain a variety of information and come in varying degrees of detail; choose one or those that provide all the information you need.

    • You can also find and print contour maps. Putting the names of cities, regions, countries on contour maps is a good way to learn them, as well as test yourself.
  5. Visit places that interest you. The best way to get to know a place is to visit it! You might find it counterintuitive to study the geography of a place after you've been there (if the purpose of your study is to plan your travels), but perhaps the details will be easier to grasp if they are based on experience.

    • For example, if you are trying to learn the most populated cities in your region, try to visit each one. Traveling from city to city, you will get an idea of ​​the distances between them, as well as what the cities themselves are notable for.