
1. Is it easy for you to memorize a poem, a rule given at home?

2. After reading the text, can you retell it?

3. Is it difficult for you to remember the learned material or is it easy?

4. Can you remember the rule, the poem that you learned a long time ago?

Reminder for students

Memory is a function of the brain. The more memory works, the better it is. The better your memory, the easier it is to remember what you see and hear.

Learn material with the desire to know for a long time.

When memorizing the material, use various diagrams, drawings, write something down. So you will quickly remember what you need.

Repeat what you have learned out loud many times.

Learn a poem, a fable in parts.

Read the text paragraph by paragraph and retell it.

Comprehensive development of attention and memory

Exercise 1. Testing auditory memory

The teacher reads a series of six single digit numbers. You need to memorize in the order in which the teacher reads.

Exercise 2. Drawing a still life from memory

Students are shown objects that should be painted in a still life: apple, jug, peach, quince, pear, apricots.

Then the items must be removed. The guys should draw them the way they were located on the desk.

Exercise 3. Checking visual memory

Look at the desk for 20 seconds, remember the items. On the desk may be school supplies, toys. Then remove the items. Students are asked to write down all the items on a piece of paper.

Exercise 4. Find words among the letters








Exercise 5

Look carefully at the table and place the signs in the empty one in the same way as in the filled one.

Exercise 7. Find the missing numbers

Numbers from 1 to 20 are written in this table in random order, while 7 numbers are missing. Find these numbers and write them down in your notebook as quickly as possible.

Missing numbers: 4 6 11 14 16 18 19

Exercise 8. Remember the words

The words are written on the board:

snail - book

lake - hands

tree - sky

forest - walnut

mushrooms - cottage

After a certain time (at the discretion of the teacher), the teacher erases these words. Children should independently write down these words from memory in block letters in the same order.

Exercise 9. Remember the words written in the table

Exercise 1: in a clean table, write the words in the same order.

Task 2: look carefully at the second triangle.

How many stars does it have? Close the triangle with your hand and place the stars in the first triangle in the same way.

Exercise 10

Exercise 1: count the small letters first, then the large ones.

M i R t O T u S K M b

Z Shch e F i Yu s Z F C n E

Task 2: How many single and double digits are written? What numbers are repeated?

1 4 67 43 11 90 5 8 34

98 89 60 45 6 7 2 56 1 23 4

Exercise 11. What has changed?

Exercise 12

Exercise 1: find and read the sentence.

I L Y. T D Y X

B L Yu Oh! AT

Answer: I like to relax.

Task 2: find and read the sentences.

US like PI LO ho

TU sho LE TO ro

Answer: It's summer. How good.

Exercise 13. To expand the scope of perception. Learn to memorize quickly

There are four letter words written on the sheet. The word is closed at the top with a sheet. You need to quickly open and close the word, and the child must read the words until he learns to pronounce them quickly.

You can complicate the task if you open and close pairs of rhymes of words. The child must learn to read them quickly.

For example: believe - the door

rod - flute

barrel - daughter

cannon - pillow

rapids - roads

rubber - basket

spring - squad

splash - sparkle

paintings - baskets

laziness - day

night - daughter

Exercise 14

The child closes his eyes and names all the objects that are in his room from memory. Then he opens his eyes and checks if he called correctly.

Exercise 15

You can play during the break.

The children are in the circle. The student remembers all the children, then turns away. At this time, someone leaves or comes. The student must name the children who started the game with him. You can ask who came or went.

Exercise 16

A printed dictation can hang on the wall in the room. The student must write the text not from dictation, but getting up from the table, go to the sheet with the text, read, remember, return, sit down and write down what he remembered in block letters.

For example, you can use the following text:

Anya has a brother Nikita. Roses grow in the yard.

The sun is shining. Ira eats sweets. We are going to the cinema.

Exercise 17

Arrange items in a pattern. The child should carefully look at the pattern and turn away. You are changing the pattern. The child must restore it correctly. The pattern can

lay out from colored pencils, counting sticks, colored geometric shapes cut out of a square.

Exercise 18

Look at these letters. What language is the proposal in? How many words are in this sentence?

This sentence: We are a big family.

Exercise 19

In front of you you see encrypted lines from a poem. Read this verse.

Nismayit ShmgnATpeakNdljagekuroueueMKfyvOP- LonvAaprChegmdT,

UsmaRrngOavyfNzhdzhIzhdLukavtervyEyukfyvChvm KpiU imMMYAVCH iDK.

TimpIimaShtproE, TkenAaprrolNbtechchitKuukA,yany tseapoPldLdAkChkh,

NmEumitttonittborETVRkeolElbyudChmbbKEMsmiya- YACH.

Correct answer:

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river.

Exercise 20

Bunny went for a walk in the forest. At the edge of the forest he met a wolf. The hare quickly ran away from him. This is how he ran to his clearing.

Draw two rabbits. The first in shorts, a tie around his neck, two carrots in his hands. After meeting with the wolf, draw a hare without a tie and with one carrot in its paw.

Compare the two drawings and find the missing items.

Exercise 21

Draw a fish

A fish swims in a square in one cell. The teacher shows how she moves, and the students should follow her movements with their eyes and at the end say where she stopped. You can use a magnetic board.

Exercise 22

Question: why should you be careful?

Students argue and summarize.

Bottom line: to study for "good" and "excellent".

Question: why do you need to study well?

Bottom line: the country needs literate people, you can choose the right profession, travel a lot, live exciting and interesting.

Question: why do you need to play sports?

Bottom line: be strong, healthy, organized, help the weak, protect yourself and your family.

Question: why do you need to heat up?

Bottom line: to be healthy, to have high immunity to colds.

Question: what are vitamins for?

Bottom line: vitamins are involved in metabolism and help to normalize almost all processes in the body.

Question: What is the best way to unwind after a day at work?

Bottom line: sleep, play outdoors, listen to music, watch your favorite show, read, rollerblade, help your parents around the house.

During the dispute, it is important that the opinions of the children are not repeated. Choose the most important answers in the dispute.

Exercise 23. Visual memory

The teacher shows in the pictures educational supplies or pictures with utensils, with toys, animals. The picture has a drawing and an inscription. The student must memorize not only the words, but also the spelling. After all the pictures are shown, the student writes down all the words in block letters. Then the teacher shows the pictures again, and the student checks what is written with the sample.

For example:

You can ask the question: how can you combine the words written in columns?

Exercise 24

In the notebook, students put a dot anywhere. The teacher says how many cells and in which direction the line should be drawn. For example: 3 cells to the right, 3 cells down, 3 cells to the left, 3 cells up. Students draw what they say. Should be a square. You can create different shapes.

Exercise 25

Find the picture whose name is spoken by the teacher. The child must remember what this item looks like and quickly find it.

The teacher pronounces the following words: beetle, cancer, onion, juice, oak, bough, wolf. What word is missing? Why? (An extra word "wolf", since it has 4 letters, and in the rest of the words - 3.)

Exercise 26

Add one letter to words at the beginning or end of the word. You will get a new word. Remember what this word-object looks like and find this word in the picture.

steam... walking...

one hundred... ...rollers

fish... ... wasps

seas... ...flax

Pictures of the artist (park, table, fisherman, sailor, silk, rabbits, braids, maple).

Exercise 27

Equipment: natural vegetables and fruits on a large plate, basket.

Task: one student begins his story. The other person must guess this object from the description, with his eyes closed by touch, find it from memory and put it in the basket.

For example:

This vegetable is green and round. When ripe, it turns red. It comes in small, medium, large sizes. Juice, sauces are made from it, added to soups and borscht. Very helpful. (Tomato)

— Garden plant with edible tubers. The root crop is called the second bread. This vegetable is boiled in uniform, baked, fried. (Potato)

Another child, eyes closed, finds a potato on a plate and puts it into the basket.

— A vegetable with an edible orange root. It is stewed, canned. Juice is very helpful. (Carrot)

Another schoolboy with his eyes closed finds carrots on a plate and puts them in a basket.

- Tears flow from him when you cut. It's green, onion. It must be cut into a dish. (Onion)

An onion is placed in the basket.

- I tried the whole summer: dressed, dressed,

And as autumn approached, I gave all the outfits. (Cabbage) Puts cabbage.

— Very sweet, ripe, juicy. Happens with sourness. Used in making pies. (Apple)

He puts an apple in the basket.

- Caviar from this vegetable is healthy and tasty. (Eggplant)

There is an eggplant in the basket.

- The fruit is in the earth of a dark red color. (Beets) Beets appear in the basket.

- Red, white, black. (Currant)

Exercise 28

Look at the geometric shapes and remember the punctuation marks in them. Close the figures and repeat the signs in pure geometric figures.

The one who correctly placed the signs wins.

Exercise 29

On a piece of paper write down the daily routine, remember the time and business. At the end of the day, it is checked what is done and what is not.


It is carried out similarly to the game "Mode of the day".

Write down a list of products on a piece of paper and memorize it.

Do not take the list to the store. After returning from the store, check on the check whether everything was bought. A first-grader can buy buns with different fillings, chocolates, cheeses of various types.

Exercise 30. Who is the most attentive?

The student must guess who or what it is about, and then describe from memory.

1. Teacher: Who picks apples with his back?

Student: A hedgehog is a small animal, the back and sides of which are covered with sharp needles.

2. Teacher: Winter and summer in one color.

Student: Christmas tree, spruce - a thick, fluffy coniferous tree that is decorated on New Year's Eve.

3. Teacher: Who dries the mushrooms on the trees?

Student: The squirrel is a small forest rodent with a fluffy tail. Can be seen in parks and squares.

4. Teacher: What season is called golden? Student: Autumn. It often rains at this time of the year. The leaves on the trees are turning yellow. Birds fly to warmer climes.

5. Teacher: Which animal gives birth to cubs in leaf fall?

Student: At the hare. Small shy animal. Long hind legs, long ears.

6. Teacher: Which tree leaves are shaking in the wind? Student: Aspen. Deciduous tree, leaves trembling in the wind.

7. Teacher: What plant makes people cry?

Student: Luke. Grows in the garden. This is a vegetable. In summer it is with green feathers.

8. Teacher: How do they dig the earth, throw coal?

Student: Shovel. This is a hand tool for earthworks, with which you can transfer something from one place to another.

9. Teacher: It happens with butter, cheese, sausage, fish.

Student: Sandwich. This is a slice of bread with some product. It must always be fresh. I always have a butter and cheese sandwich for breakfast.

10. Teacher: A beautiful insect with two pairs of wings.

Student: Butterfly. There are various colors. Often there are butterflies with transparent wings.

The winner is the one who coped with the task without errors.

Exercise 31

The task: name proverbs and sayings on this topic, be able to repeat those named by all students.

Teacher: What are proverbs and sayings about?

Pupils: There are proverbs about work, friendship, family, about the Motherland, etc.

Teacher: Who will say more proverbs and sayings about work?

1. You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

2. Business time, fun hour.

3. Patience and work will grind everything.

4. Without labor there is no fruit.

5. Measure seven times, cut once.

6. Every bird is full of its nose.

7. Do not crush the clay - you can’t see the pots.

8. See the tree in its fruits, but the man in his deeds.

9. Play play, but know the matter.

Teacher: Who remembered all the proverbs? Who will repeat?

Teacher: Who will say more proverbs about friendship?

1. There is no friend - look for, but found - take care.

2. One for all and all for one.

3. An old friend is better than two new ones.

4. You won't recognize a friend without misfortune.

5. Life is hard without a friend.

6. Suddenly you will not become a friend.

7. For a friend, nothing is a pity.

8. Spoke the truth - lost friendship.

9. There are no distances for friendship.

10. A true friend is known in trouble.

The winner is the one who repeated all the proverbs that were named.

Teacher: Who will say more proverbs about the family?

1. In the family, the porridge is thicker.

2. What is the treasure for, when the family is in harmony.

3. Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother and the whole orphan.

4. And the crow praises the crow.

5. As is the seed, so is the tribe.

6. Honey is sweet, but baby is even sweeter.

7. The dear child has many names.

8. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree.

9. Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry.

10. You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

The winner is the one who repeated all the proverbs that were named.

Teacher: Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

1. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

2. To live - to serve the Motherland.

3. Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

4. Every bird loves its nest.

5. Where someone is born, it will come in handy there.

6. Everyone has their own side.

7. Houses and walls help.

8. The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

9. And the dog knows his side.

10. Own land and in a handful is sweet.

The winner is the one who named all the proverbs.

Exercise 32

The teacher reads the beginning of the story. The students name the characters and finish the story. Fairy tales can be taken from the curriculum, at the choice of the teacher.

For example, fairy tales about animals:

1. Teacher: One crafty fox wanted to eat fish, but did not know where to get it. I thought and thought and decided to lie down on the road.

Student: The tale is called "The Fox and the Wolf." Heroes: fox, wolf, old man, old man's wife, women.

2. Teacher: Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, and the bunny had a bast.

Student: Fox, hare and rooster. Heroes: fox, hare, rooster, dog, bear, bull.

3. Teacher: There lived a goryukha fly. One housewife had accumulated a pot of sour cream. Well, a goryukha fly flew, turned it over and ...

Student: "Terem-Teremok." Heroes: a fly, a flea, a mosquito, a cockroach, a lizard, a mouse, an ermine, a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear.

4. Teacher: The hedgehog was walking home. On the way, a hare caught up with him. And far from home, they go and talk. And there was a stick across the road...

Student: Fairy tale "The magic wand." Heroes: a hedgehog, a hare, chicks, a wolf, a hare with hares.

Exercise 33

The task: in the examples written on the board, you need to find an error.

The one who finds the bugs first wins.

Exercise 34

On the line you need to sing the song to the end.

The teacher sings the beginning of the line, and the students continue, for example:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree...

It's fun to walk together...

From a smile a gloomy day is brighter ...

Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go...

Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles...

If you went out with a friend...

Write different letters...

Lived with my grandmother for two ...

Exercise 35

For this game, you need to know a lot of names of girls and boys, you can call them short and complete. But you need to come up with a new name with the last letter of the name. When no one can think of anything else, a new game begins with other students.

For example: Natasha, Anya, Yaroslav, Victor, Roman, Nikolai, Joseph, Thekla, Alik, Konstantin, Nonna, Angelina, Agafya, Yakov, Varya, Yana, Alina, Alyosha, Afonya, Yarik, Kolya, etc.

Exercise 36

The game can be played with both preschoolers and schoolchildren.

For preschoolers, you can put soft toys in the basket, for schoolchildren - educational supplies.


The game starts, get ready, kids,

Remember carefully

Name the subject quickly.

The driver must remember who takes what items from the basket. Players must hide their items, for example, behind their backs. The driver approaches the player.

Player says:

If you were careful

then remember correctly.

Think, strain your memory, name my subject quickly.

If the driver names the item correctly, he puts it in the basket.

All players must be in the role of the driver. Whoever collects the most items wins.

Exercise 37

The players become in a circle. Everyone must give their name. The player who is standing next to him must repeat the name and say his own. The third player says his name and the names of two players, the fourth says his name and the names of three players, etc.

Exercise 38

Each player chooses the role of a fairy-tale hero. In the circle, he should introduce himself, demonstrate his role from memory and say:

I played my role, you remember me.

Call me and introduce yourself.

The second player must repeat what fairy-tale hero was discussed, tell what he remembered about him, and introduce himself. The third player talks about the first and second fairy tale characters and talks about himself. The task is gradually becoming more difficult, as there are more and more heroes.

Roles can be offered to preschoolers: gingerbread man, fox, wolf, bear, hare, cockerel, Baba Yaga.

The students themselves choose.

Exercise 39

The leader is chosen. He looks carefully at all the players and remembers them. The driver leaves for a few seconds. One of the players is hiding. The driver returns and calls the name of the one who left. If he correctly calls the name, he himself becomes in a circle to the players. Among the players, a new driver is selected.

Exercise 40

The driver turns away. The player reads poems by A. Barto (or other famous children's poets). The driver says whose voice sounded. After all the players have read the quatrains, their voice is recognized, the writer's poems can be learned by heart.

Exercise 41

Duplicate - replace the speech part of the sound film with a new recording.

Exercise 42

Equipment: chests, children's cosmetics, personal hygiene items.

Two teams are playing. One player is selected from each team. The first team prepares a chest for the second, and the second for the first. The chest can contain baby hygienic lipstick, perfume, cotton swabs, comb, nail polish, shampoo, hair clips, bows, hair ties, etc.

The player of the first team looks carefully into the chest of the second team for 10 seconds and remembers all the items. The player of the second team carefully looks into the chest of the first team and remembers the items. After 10 seconds, the rest of the team members remove one item from the chest (2, 3, several are possible). The player of the first team must accurately name the object or objects that were removed from the chest. The team that does the right thing wins.

Exercise 43

Equipment: 4 drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

Two teams are participating. Each team draws their own treasure island with palm trees, islets, the heroes of this adventure. Treasure must be marked on the island. Players are required to repeat in a few seconds the drawing of the opponent's island on a clean sheet of paper. The team that more accurately managed to "photograph" the treasure island wins.


An island is a piece of land surrounded on all sides by water.

Treasures - jewelry, money, valuables.

Exercise 44

Equipment: pencil, notepad, eraser, felt-tip pen, sharpener, pen, pencil case, scissors, notebook, cover, textbook, ruler, protractor, compasses, knapsack.

Arrange these items however you like. There may be several identical items. The host can arrange the items in this way: a colored pencil, a simple pencil, a pen, an eraser, a sharpener, a notebook, a pencil case, a diary. A preschooler or schoolchild remembers objects for a few seconds in the order in which they are located. For better memorization, he can repeat aloud. After a minute, the participant in the game must restore the order of objects on his table from memory. If they coped without errors, the team is awarded a point. Instead of school supplies, you can use items for labor and fine art lessons: a brush, paints, a set of pencils, a jar of water, scissors, threads of different colors, cardboard, glue, a ruler, shreds of fabric, buttons.

Exercise 45

Attention is valued in every lesson. If the student is attentive, it will be easy for him to concentrate on the task and cope with it perfectly.

In a math lesson, the teacher suggests looking around and naming all the rectangular objects. Pupils can name the following items: board, table, school desk, door, briefcase, book, diary, notebook, ruler, pencil case, poster, screen, cabinet, stand, album sheet, window, folder for notebooks.

At a Russian language lesson, the teacher invites children to name objects with a letter, for example, L: a lamp, a ruler, an eraser, a watering can for watering flowers, a sheet from a notebook, a sheet from an album, a magnifying glass, a bow on the windowsill.

In other lessons, as a minute for the development of attention and memory, you can name objects of any color, for example, yellow: walls, notebook covers, soap, a rag, counting sticks, napkins, chalk, a yellow shirt on a student, etc.

Exercise 46

This is an old game. It is good to conduct it in literacy classes in the alphabetical period. The class is divided into three teams - three rows, behind which schoolchildren sit. They are built one after another and in a chain they transmit a phrase written on a piece of paper. It can be proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, couplets. Each student passes the phrase to the neighbor. Until it reaches the last player, a lot of things in it can change. The winner is the team that managed to convey the phrase correctly or made the fewest mistakes.

In a math lesson, you can pass an example on the procedure. The first player writes down an example, the second one watches for 5-10 seconds, then he writes down from memory on his sheet the example that he remembered and shows it to the third player, and he to the fourth, etc. The last example is compared with the first. The team that passed the example without errors wins.

Exercise 47

Equipment: pictures with flowers and their names. The players are given pictures. They can be drawn in fine art classes, and the names can be signed in the Russian language lesson. The leader gives the signal. At this time, each player begins to say the name of his flower, listening to who will call his name of the flower, the names of the flowers are repeated. Whoever heard his flower should form his own group. If a group is formed, the players loudly shout out their flower name. For example, "Daffodils", "Roses", "Gladiolus".

You can distribute cards or make them in the lessons of labor, fine arts, literary reading. Cards can be with the names of animals, trees, with the seasons, rivers, the names of fairy tales, the names of poets, writers.

Exercise 48

The players line up. Each is assigned a number (according to the number of players in the line). At the command of the presenter, “Attention, to start number 5!” team players must run out.

The leader calls all the numbers of the players randomly. The team that quickly gathered in a new line on the opposite side wins.

Exercise 49

The teacher or educator explains the conditions of the game to the children.

Teacher: I will say the words, but you will say them after me if I say: "Speak loudly." If you hear other phrases, you should not say those words.

The game starts.

Teacher: Speak loudly - drum.

Say it is a pencil.

Speak in syllables - birch.

All together - a notebook.

Speak loudly - apple.

Speak clearly - orange.

Say it quickly - Motherland.

Say quietly - tree.

Say it loud - peace.

Speak loudly - cheers.

Say it right, library.

Say it out loud - holidays.

Speak loudly - chamomile.

Speak in a whisper guys.

Speak loudly - bear, etc.

The one who has never made a mistake wins. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Exercise 50

This game is good to play in the lesson of the world around or in an extended day group.

Equipment: a piece of paper with a pen, a tablet for easy writing.

Exercise 1: be attentive and remember everything is red (yellow, brown, etc.).

Task 2: be careful and remember all round shapes (rectangular, square, etc.).

Task 3: be careful and remember everything with the letter D (or some other).

Task 4: be careful and remember wooden objects (metal, etc.).

In the classroom, the child goes to the blackboard without a hint (a sheet with a record of answers to assignments), gives it to the teacher or another student. He himself begins to name all the objects for four tasks. The winner is the one who memorized more items on a walk and did not make a mistake.

Exercise 51

The first picture shows a room in which there is a table, a notebook on the table, a set of pencils, a lamp plugged into an outlet and giving light, in the middle of the room there is a rug on which children's toys: a lion cub, a dog with a bow, a small bear cub. The curtains are closed in the room. In the corner is a bookcase. It has two flower pots on it.

The second picture shows a table, a notebook, a pencil, a lamp on the table, in the middle of the room there is a rug on which there are children's toys: a lion cub, a dog, a bear. The curtains are open in the room. In the corner is a bookcase. It has three flower pots on it. The cat is sleeping in the corner.

The winner is the one who coped with the task without errors.

Exercise 52

Preschoolers, schoolchildren should know poems by heart. You can call children in groups, for example, 3 people each.

Facilitator's task: one clap in front of the chest - the first child reads the poem, two clap - continues

the second child, three claps - the third, one clapping above the head - all read together. The one who has never made a mistake wins.

Exercise 53

Several people speak at once, for example, three people say three different numbers, three different words, or complicate the task: three different examples, three different simple sentences. The fourth player should prick up their ears and hear three different numbers or three different words, three different examples, or three different simple sentences. Who could distinguish all the tasks, he had ears on top of his head.

Ears on top - someone is very alert, attentive, ready for something unforeseen, unexpected.

Exercise 54

Exercise 1: listen to the beginning of the poem and remember the ending.

Task 2: listen to the beginning of the story and remember the end.

Task 3: listen to the beginning of the song and sing it to the end.

Task 4: listen to the end of the proverb and remember the beginning.

Prick up your ears - get ready to listen, listen with intense attention and interest.

Exercise 55

Equipment: cards with syllables forming words (Bu-ra-ti-no, in-mi-do-ry, ka-ran-da-shi, a-pel-si-ny, Rody-na, ho-lo-dil -nick, be-re-za, te-le-vis-zor, va-sil-ki, right-lo, tab-li-tsa, on-de-wat, oh-de-wat, in-ro -ta, etc.).

The task: revive words from cards with syllables, that is, form.

put on (put on, put on; what):

Shirt, tie, suit, coat, hat, scarf, gloves, shoes, boots, boots, dress for yourself, coat for a child;

Skates, skis, glasses, icon.

dress (dress, dress, dress someone):

Child, girl, doll;


Winter covers the earth with snow.

Exercise 56

The picture shows two tables. On one plate are an apple, pear, banana, peach, orange, grapes, pineapple, corn, on the second - two apples, pear, banana, peach, orange, grapes, pineapple, corn.

Task: look carefully and in a few seconds find what is missing on the first plate. Name all the edible items from memory.

Exercise 57

The driver calls the signs of the hero. Players must name a hero.

This hero loves buns, cheesecakes, jam. (Carlson)

This hero loves to visit. (Winnie the Pooh)

This hero is evil, wicked, robbed, dragged the right and the guilty to his lair. (Wolf)

This hero feels that under his feet is no longer sour cream, but something solid, strong, reliable, like the earth. (Frog)

This hero of the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky is bloodthirsty and merciless. (Barmaley)

This hero ate 40 people

Both cow and bull

And a crooked butcher

And the cart, and the arc,

And a broom, and a poker ... (Robin Bobin Barabek)

. "Come, kumanek! Come, dear. I'll feed you!" (A fox)

. “I was bought for three pennies, thrashed under my sides! I’ll stomp, I’ll stomp my feet, I’ll stab you with horns, I’ll trample you with my legs, I’ll sweep with my tail!” (Goat dereza)

Laughed, laughed and burst. (Bubble)

Skillful nurse from a poem by A. Barto. (Tamara)

The little girl always wore what her grandmother gave her for her birthday. (Little Red Riding Hood)

He ran away from everyone, but he could not escape from the fox. (Kolobok)

The king, a sorcerer, often acts as the kidnapper of the protagonist's bride, is depicted as a thin old man. (Koschei the Deathless)

This hero is weak, but cunning. Often acts cowardly. (Hare)

Exercise 58

The picture shows a hare that has a lot of carrots and a hare that has a lot of cabbage.

Task: tell by eye, not counting which hare has more vegetables. Check yourself, count all the carrots, cabbage.

Exercise 59

The picture shows a hedgehog with large, small, medium-sized apples on its back, with and without leaves.

Presenter: The hedgehog went for a walk

Pick up ripe apples.

He made a run in the forest -

I am very happy with the harvest.

While the teacher reads the quatrain, the children carefully look at the hedgehog and memorize the harvest. On the board, they have to repeat what they saw.

The winner is the one who coped with the task without errors.

Exercise 60

A mouse is drawn in a polka dot skirt, a flowered blouse, a scarf around the neck, bows on the ears, a handbag in the foot.

The task: dress up the mouse.

The leader shows the mouse and says:

Look and remember my outfit

Draw me on the board again.

To look at me your row.

And the teacher gave you a "five".

Call one student from each row. The student draws what the mouse is wearing.

Who will cope with the task without errors, he is the winner.

Exercise 61

Drawn cat with a basket of fruits and vegetables.

Equipment: pictures: tomato, cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, radish, pea, plum, apple, pear, carrot, beetroot, cherry, currant, banana, corn, orange, raspberry, two picture baskets.

Task: look at the picture, go to the blackboard and fill the baskets with pictures that the teacher offers.

The teacher reads a poem, the children carefully look at the cat.

I am a cute cat

I'm coming to you from the market.

With a full basket

Tired on the go.

I want you to rest

Check memory and attention.

Please put in baskets

Separate fruits and vegetables.

The child goes to the board, fills the baskets with the necessary pictures. Instead of pictures, you can use fake fruits and vegetables, natural vegetables and fruits, instead of real baskets - drawn with chalk on a blackboard. Pictures in this case are attached to the board with magnets.

Model - cast, life-size model of an object (made of gypsum, wax, paraffin).

Exercise 62

Exercise 1: on the first syllable we remember flowers.

Not (forget-me-not), ast (ra), ko (bell), pi (on), ro (for), va (silek), gvo (zdika), ro (mashka), gla (diolusy), lan (breath), si (ren), mi (mosa).

Task 2: the child describes the flower and the other has to say the name.

Exercise 63

The game is played at a lesson in literary reading based on the work of E. Charushin "Big and Small".

The task: correctly name the heroes.

Who said this: "With your feet, like oars, rake in the water!"? (Duck)

. "You climb, you crawl, cling with your claws, rest with your tail." (Woodpeckers)

. "Where there are bushes and thick grass, jump higher - do not catch your feet." (Deer)

. "And while the dogs are barking, you slowly crawl out of the far exit - into the forest." (A fox)

. “You are colorful, striped, no one will immediately notice you.” (Ryabchikha)

. “Shut down a cone, eat some seeds, and jump from tree to tree again.” (Squirrel)

. "You are a beast of the forest - you must hide, lie in the back, get prey." (Lynx)

. "We'll dig the stumps into the ground and weave the branches together." (Beavers)

. “We turn out heavy stumps, we are looking for fat beetles.” (Dipper)

The winner is the one who coped with the task.

Exercise 64

A word is made up of several words. The winner is the one who makes up the most words, for example, in 1 minute, who will have the word with the most letters.

Words are given: Pinocchio, health, proverb, animals, Snow Maiden, etc.

Exercise 65

Think of as many phrases as possible for this word.

For example, frost. With this word, such phrases are compiled: hard frost, severe frost, ride in frost, 15 degrees below zero.

Motorcycle - a powerful motorcycle, a new motorcycle, start a motorcycle, buy a motorcycle, ride a motorcycle.

Task: come up with words-objects for the word.

For example, soft. The following word-objects are invented for this word: soft sofa, soft carriage, soft pillow, soft bed, soft skin, soft hair, soft bread, soft loaf, soft movements, soft person, soft winter, soft character.

Exercise 66

Who is a friend of the crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka)

Name a friend of the Kid. (Carlson)

Who was Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino friends with? (Cat Matroskin, dog Sharik)

List Winnie the Pooh's friends. (Piglet, donkey, rabbit)

Buratino's friends. (Malvina, Pierrot)

With whom did Dunno make friends? (Dr. Pilyulkin, Znayka, Shpuntik, Screw, artist Tube, Button)

Who was Moidodyr friends with? (with cleaners)

Name Dr. Aibolit's friends. (Kika duck, Avva dog, Oink-Oink pig, Karu do parrot, Bumba owl)

Seven dwarfs and ... (Snow White).

Mowgli friends. (Bagheera, Kaa, Akela)

Faithful friend of the little humpbacked horse and ... (Ivanushka)

Ellie and... (Lumberjack, Scarecrow, lion)

Comrade Bubbles, who crossed the river on a straw, but fell into the water. (bast shoes)

Friends of the Cat from the work "Cat's House". (Pig, goat, goat, rooster, chicken)

Exercise 67

To the words from the left column, match the words from the right so that new words are obtained.


Exercise 68

If the teacher calls many objects, the students clap, if one - they sit silently.

Teacher: Acorn, acorns, book, books, horse, house, newspapers, swans, horses, houses, newspaper, swan, notebook, rain, steamer, notebooks, rains, autumn, pen, steamers, camel, tiger, pan, spoons, nails, fruits, camels, fork, nail, fruit, apple, lions, garden, treasure, outfit, lion, bear, lion, kitchen gardens, sofa, outfits, branch, bears, square, sofas, squares.

You can play the game in literacy and Russian language classes when learning new or vocabulary words.

Exercise 69

The teacher names a large object and a small one. If the children heard the name of a small object, they should sit down, if a large one, stand up.

Teacher: Steamboat, grapes, vineyard, steamboat, cat, cat, camel, camel, notebook, rain, notebook, rain, garden, garden, twig, twig, pond, pond, nail, carnation, stump, stump, chest of drawers, chocolate, lemonade, chest of drawers, marmalade, vegetable garden, waterfall, marmalade, waterfall.


A twig is a thin, flexible branch without leaves.

A twig is a small twig.

A pond is a small artificial reservoir.

A chest of drawers is a low cabinet with drawers.

Exercise 70

If we hear in the word "dy", we raise our hand.

Teacher: Gardens, dress up, detachments, plant, moves, exits, outfits, go, leave, treasures, put, come, wins, win, a lot of food, reward, win, traces, rows, follow, peoples, Dina, hole, happy.

Those who never make a mistake win.

Exercise 71

The teacher reads the syllable, the students come up with words.

Teacher: Va (ta, for, rya, sya, la, nya), but (ta, you, sha, ra, ha, sy, ry), weight (on, ti), vi (on, cha), me (ta , so, chi), bi (ta, nocle), las (you, dot, tick, ka), pla (ta, ti, us, me), yes (ry, ta, sha, ma, wai, cha, ri ).

Whoever comes up with the most new words wins.

Exercise 72

In a minute, find all the numbers from 2 to 21. The game can be played in mathematics lessons in different versions. For example, from 10 to 200, from 6 to 25, from 1 to 20, from 310 to 329, etc. The numbers are written randomly in the table.

2 to 21

10 to 200

6 to 25

1 to 20

310 to 329

Exercise 73

Equipment: cards of red, yellow, green colors.

The teacher shows cards of different colors. If the card is red - the students are standing, yellow - clapping, green - they are walking. Thus, the skills of behavior on the road are fixed. The game can be played at lessons, breaks.

Exercise 74

Equipment: drawn or toy cars, traffic light cards.

Assignment: each student has a typewriter or drawing. If there is no car, you can imagine that the steering wheel is in your hands. The movement begins. The host shows a card with a red signal - the drivers stop, with a green signal - they continue to move, if they see a yellow one - they stop. And so the movement continues. The winner is the one who did not violate the rules of the road.

Exercise 75

Among all the syllables, find the syllable with the letter ё. What syllable is repeated?


Lady - a woman who belonged to a wealthy or intelligent circle.

Ara is a parrot.

Jung is a young sailor.

A disk is a flat round plate.

Exercise 77

Exercise 1: the driver calls the numbers from 1 to 10, and several players show as many fingers as the driver says. The winner is the one who always shows the correct number, is not late. If he shows the wrong number or falls behind, he is out. The last player left in the game is the most attentive mathematician.

The game can be made more difficult.

Task 2: the leader calls the numbers from 1 to 10 and says that if he calls the number 6, then this number cannot be shown, it is a forbidden number. The winner is the one who shows the correct number on the fingers and does not show the forbidden.

Task 3: the driver calls a number from 1 to 10, and the players show the amount on their fingers. The one who shows the correct amount wins.

Task 4: the leader calls a number from 12 to 24, and the players show the product on their fingers. Those numbers where more fingers are required than on the hands, the players do not show. For example, the leader calls the number 18. This is the product of 2 and 9. For this, the fingers on the hands are not enough. So, we need to show 6 and 3. The product of 6 and 3 is equal to 18.

Exercise number 78. Look and remember

Exercise 1: look closely at the objects. Remember them (a few seconds are given).

For the artist: draw a dove, a sun, a beetroot, a flower, a watermelon, a tomato, a chicken, a T-shirt, a children's toy.

Task 2: what changed? What new items have appeared?

For the artist: draw a dove, a sun, a beetroot, a flower, a watermelon, a tomato, a chicken, a T-shirt, a children's toy, a cucumber, another flower, a hat.

Exercise 79

Look at the children carefully, remember their names and clothes.

For the artist: draw in one drawing - Masha (sign the names of the children) in a dress and shoes, Dasha - in a skirt and jacket, socks and shoes on her feet. Marina - in trousers, a T-shirt and sneakers. Vladik is in a suit, Dima is in sportswear, Gena is in a winter coat, hat, felt boots. In the second picture - the same children (do not sign names) in panties.

The task: remember the children's names and their clothes.

Exercise 80

Leading: Attention check with memory When I ask a question.

You don't say "yes" and "no"

And replace with suggestions.

Do you like popsicles?

Do you like walking in the forest? What about in the park?

Do you often go to the zoo?

Do you want to go to school?

Do you like summer?

Have you been to a pioneer camp?

Do you study well?

Do you watch cartoons every day?

Do you have pets?

Do you have a lot of friends?

Is your favorite game football?

Do you play chess?

Do you read expressively?

Do you like sledding?

Do you brush your teeth 2 times a day?

If the player makes a mistake, he becomes the leader and asks questions. The winner is the one who was able to replace words with sentences.

Quite often, parents are faced with such a problem as insufficient attention of children, which makes it very difficult for a child to study at school, since he cannot concentrate on one lesson for a long time.

However, it is worth considering the fact that only with regular classes it will be possible to achieve the desired result and teach the child to concentrate his own attention on a particular activity. To date, there is a fairly large number of a wide variety of exercises.

Exercise #1

This exercise is very effective and gives you the opportunity to get the desired result in a fairly short period of time. This exercise is called "Favorite Fruit".

The leader, in this case the parents, must create the right atmosphere and attitude for the upcoming lesson. Thanks to this exercise, there is a great opportunity to develop not only attention, but also memory, to teach the child to long-term concentration of attention in one lesson.

It is advisable to conduct such an exercise in a group, and for this you can gather all family members or friends of the child in the living room. So, after the group for classes is fully formed, each of the participants should say out loud some of his favorite fruit, then the second participant says the name of the first and his favorite fruit, after which he says his name, and then his favorite fruit.

The third participant will have to repeat the name of the first and his favorite fruit, the name of the second and fruit, and then his name and favorite fruit. Other participants work according to this scheme. The last participant will have to name the names and favorite fruits of all previous participants.

Exercise #2

This exercise promotes concentration, and also teaches the child to properly distribute their own attention so as not to be distracted during class. Professional psychologists recommend using the following exercise - you need to count out loud from 1 to 31. However, the child must skip numbers that contain three or are multiples of three, and instead of these numbers, he says out loud “I won’t go astray,” and so on.

Exercise #3

This exercise is aimed directly at the development of visual attention in a child, and it can be used not only with schoolchildren, but also with younger children. The main condition is that parents should regularly engage with children, because only in this case it becomes possible to teach the child to concentrate correctly and it will be much easier for children to concentrate on the lesson and not be distracted during the lessons by various trifles.

The child should be asked to reproduce from his own memory the courtyard of his own house or the playground in front of the school (if the exercise is used to develop attention in children of school age), the way to school or home.

That is, the child should try to reproduce what he has seen so many times, while he needs to clarify as many small details as possible. Such an activity will be very fun if carried out in a group, but at the same time the children should describe the same situations so that they can fill in the missing details - for example, the speaker missed some trifle, and a group member recalled it.

Such attention exercises for schoolchildren are very popular with children and resemble a fun and exciting game.

Exercise #4

Thanks to the regular use of this exercise, the child learns to concentrate his own attention. So, in order to conduct such an exercise, you need to take care of a special board, on which it is necessary in advance, before the start of classes, to draw a special playing field for nine cells, while each cell should be approximately 3x3 centimeters. You will also need a relatively small suction cup. If it is not possible to use such a suction cup, then you can replace it with a simple plasticine, you need to take a very small piece.

Next, you need to take this board and put it strictly vertically, after which the leader should explain to all participants in the lesson that this sucker (plasticine) will move from one cell to another after it receives a command. You can give one of four commands - down, left, up, right. The sucker moves after the received command to one of the neighboring cells.

The starting position of the suction cup (plasticine) is the central cell on the board. Commands must be given by one of the participants of the exercise, all commands are given in turn by each participant. Each player must carefully monitor how the suction cup (plasticine) moves along the board, while it is important not to allow it to go beyond the drawn playing field.

After all the rules of this developing game are clear to all participants, you can proceed directly to the game itself. It is necessary to play on an imaginary field, which each of the participants represents for himself.

If one of the participants missed the meaning of the game, and the suction cup went beyond the edges of the playing floor, then he must give the “stop” command, after which the sucker returns to the central cell and the game starts again. This game requires constant attention and control of the game from all participants, thanks to which the child begins to learn to concentrate on one lesson.

Exercise #5

This unique exercise contributes to the good development of the child's concentration, and also helps to develop attention and perseverance, which is often lacking for young children, because they cannot do one thing for a very long time and it is difficult for them to concentrate on classes at school.

To complete this exercise, you will need to gather a small group for the class (this could be school friends or family members). One of the participants should become the so-called "receiver", and the rest of the participants in the lesson will act as "transmitters". It is the “transmitters” that must count aloud, starting from a variety of numbers, and you can count in any direction.

The task of the “receiver” at the moment lies in the fact that he must hold a kind of rod in his hands and at first just listen. Now he must try to tune in to each of the "transmitters" in turn. In the event that one of the “transmitters” is inaudible to him, then with the help of a gesture, he can simply be forced to speak a little louder.

Also, if the sound of the "transmitter" is too loud, then you can use the same wand to turn down the sound a little. After the “receiver” has worked for some time, the wand is transferred to one of the “transmitters”, thus, during the game, the wand will have to visit each participant in the game.

During the game, the child will have to concentrate on each of the "transmitters" and listen first to one participant, and then to the other - he will have to hear everyone.

Exercise #6

This exercise helps to perfectly develop the ability to develop switching attention, as well as the arbitrariness of performing movements. Just like the previous exercises, this must be done in a group. So, the group becomes a semicircle or sit on the floor, after which the leader must name the objects. If the named object can fly, then the children should raise their hands up, and if the object does not fly, then the children's hands should be lowered.

It is desirable that the facilitator constantly makes mistakes, so that the children will listen more carefully to the information they hear. Many children, simply not listening to the leader, can raise their hands, for which they should receive penalty points.

Exercise number 7

The following exercise provides an excellent opportunity for children to focus on certain work, as well as develop memory.

It is necessary to collect a small group of children (family members are also great), after which each participant in the game, in turn, calls his name, as well as his date of birth. The second participant in the exercises pronounces the name and date of birth of the first, and then pronounces his own name with the date of birth.

All members of the group work according to this scheme. This exercise resembles a game called "My Favorite Fruit". The main thing is that the last participant correctly pronounces not only the names, but also the dates of birth of all previous participants, strictly in the order in which they were pronounced.

Exercise #8

This exercise helps the child develop attention span. So, during this exercise, all participants should sit in a circle, and hands should be placed on the knees of the neighbors - the right hand should be on the left leg of the neighbor, and the left palm on the right knee. The basis of such an educational game is that all participants must alternately raise their hands, therefore, a kind of wave should come out of children's hands.

First, a small training session is held, during which each participant must carefully monitor the course of the game and only raise their hands during their turn. After completing the training, you can proceed directly to the game process. In the event that during the game the palm is raised at the wrong time, then one participant is eliminated from the game. Such an educational game is very popular with children, but it is best to play it in a large enough company so that it is interesting for children to follow the development of the game.

Provided that all the previous exercises are regularly performed, the children will develop the habit of concentrating on one or another lesson, which will make it much easier to study at school.

Letter for you!

Goals: development of attention, memory, thinking; Introduction to summaries of popular children's books.

Description. The teacher reads the letter of the fairy-tale hero without naming him. The task of the children is to remember the name of the author of the letter.

Option 1

“Hello boys and girls, my young friends! I'm sure we know each other.

I'll tell you about my life. I lived very poorly, barely making ends meet, but one day I learned a magic word with which you can get into a cave where robbers kept countless treasures. I am a modest man and took only three bags of gold, although the treasures would be more than enough to decorate a hundred royal palaces.

The ataman of the robbers decided to take revenge on me - in the eastern city there is nothing easier than to find out about someone who has recently become rich. The robbers came up with a cunning plan to pay me off, but thanks to a faithful maid, I managed to avoid a sad fate.

Say my name!" (Ali Baba.)

Option 2

“Good afternoon, children!

I'll tell you about myself. I'm a poor girl, I come from a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. The evil stepmother decided to destroy me, because she wanted to be the first beauty in the world and could not allow me to surpass her beauty. Fortunately, the stepmother's servant, who was assigned to kill me, turned out to be a kind person and saved my life. And then I found shelter in the house of the seven dwarfs.

My new friends worked in the mountains as miners, and I took care of the housework. We were very good together, but the magic mirror that my stepmother had told her that I was still alive. And the evil woman did not calm down until she found our forest hut and treated me to a poisoned apple. As soon as I took a bite, I fell dead to the ground.

The dwarfs were very sad for me. Shedding bitter tears, they put me in a glass coffin, which they left standing on a high mountain. There I saw a beautiful prince. He fell in love with me and persuaded the dwarves to let him take me away with him. And on the way to the palace, a miracle happened: from road shaking, a piece of a poisoned apple, which, fortunately, I did not have time to swallow, fell out of my throat, and I came to life. That was joy!

Do you guys recognize me?" (Snow White.)

Option 3

"Hello guys! You must have heard of me, as I am the heroine of a Russian folk tale. Tell you about yourself?

I lived with my mother and father, I did not know grief, and after the death of my dear mother, the father married another, thought to give me a new mother, but gave me an evil stepmother.

The stepmother had two daughters, evil, bad and fastidious. My stepmother loved and cherished them, and they all harassed me with work together, scolded and scolded me. I just got better and better every day.

Once, when the fire went out in our house, they sent me for fire to Baba Yaga, my stepmother's relative. I thought that I would not go back, because Baba Yaga eats and chews people, only the bones crunch. If it weren’t for the magic doll that my mother gave me before she died, and not for the black-haired girl who worked at Baba Yaga’s house, I would never have returned home.

Like Cinderella, I didn’t meet the prince, no one awarded me gold, but still the fairy tale ended very happily for me.

What is my name then?” (Vasilisa the Beautiful.)

Option 4

“My little friends, of course you know me!

I was born from a magical barleycorn. It was magical because my named mother did not grow barley from it, but a beautiful tulip. When the flower bud opened, it turned out that I was sitting in the middle of the tulip. The kind woman took great care of me. I was born to be happy. How scared and sad I felt when the old toad decided to marry me to his nasty son! Fortunately, cute little fish saved me.

Then a new disappointment awaited me - the May bugs did not want to accept me into their society. They thought I was ugly because I didn't look like them.

When winter began, I found shelter in the burrow of an old field mouse. She was kind and wanted only the best for me, and therefore she thought that it would be just wonderful if I married her mole neighbor. But becoming the wife of a mole, I would be forever deprived of sunlight and warmth. Fortunately, I managed to save from death a cute chirping swallow, which, out of gratitude, took me to blessed warm lands. There I made friends with beautiful elves and, having married the most beautiful of them, I became the queen of flowers. And for the wedding, the elves gave me transparent wings. They gave me a new name - Maya.

What was my first name? (Thumbelina.)

Option 5

“In Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, the most ordinary family named Svanteson lives: dad, mom, Kid, his older brother Bosse and his older sister Betan. Why did they become the heroes of a fairy tale by a famous Swedish writer?

I will say without modesty: exclusively because of me. After all, I am an incomparable man in the prime of life! Yes, even with a propeller: look, here I am pressing the button located on my stomach, the propeller blades begin to rotate ... Op-la! Now you can fool around!

Ouch! Something has fallen here... It has been shattered... Calm! Only calmness! It's a matter of life. And it's time for me to go home. You know, I live on the roof. The path is not short, but you can somehow clean up and figure it out without me ...

I really liked the Kid, we had a lot of fun with him, you know. Therefore, the book about us turned out to be very thick and cheerful, cheerful. After all, I love to make fun of people, and, mind you, I never repeat the same joke twice. Guess who is the best joker in the world? And I’m also the best nanny in the world, the best firefighter in the world, an inventor, a dog breeder, a magician, the best grandson in the world and a pie destroyer (by the way, Miss Bock says in vain that flour spoils the appetite).

Who am I? (Carlson.)

Option 6

“In some families, nannies are invited to take care of children, who are also called governesses or governesses. They look after young children and help their parents raise them. One of the most wonderful governesses in the world is me - the heroine of a fairy tale story by an English writer.

The lives of little Londoners Jane, Michael, John and Barbara changed dramatically when a new nanny arrived at the Banks family home.

The children immediately guessed that I was extraordinary. Not only was I brought by the east wind! Imagine that I drove along the railing of the stairs to the second floor (adults say that you can’t slide down the railing, and this is true, but they don’t forbid anyone to climb up them, since this is completely impossible). And then - I have a magic carpet bag, from which I take out a variety of different things, although this bag seems completely empty. And most importantly, I have a lot of amazing friends.

Reading a book about the little Banks, you will be involved in incredible adventures before I, a wonderful and mysterious nanny, fly away on the west wind.

Be sure to read Pamela Travers' book about me. Now tell me my name." (Mary Poppins.)

Option 7

"Hello guys! You must have heard of me. I am small and ugly. Only my heart is kind and brave, and if I undertook to help someone, I will definitely bring the matter to the end.

My host is Ivan. I served him no worse than Sivka-Burka served his master. Together with Ivan, we got the magical Firebird, in which all the feathers burn like fire, and brought it to the king. Then, by royal order, they found and delivered the beautiful Tsar Maiden to the palace, then went in search of her ring, which lay in a chest at the bottom of the ocean. To do this, we had to ascend to heaven and visit the chamber of the Tsar's maiden, where Month Mesyatsovich rests during the day, and the Sun itself at night, and then the miraculous Yudo whale fish and other inhabitants of sea waters helped us get the ring. And most importantly, thanks to me, Ivanushka escaped the cruel death to which he

sentenced the ungrateful king, and turned into such a handsome man that neither in a fairy tale can be said nor described with a pen.

Did you guess what my name is?" (The Little Humpbacked Horse.)

Option 8

“The Belgian writer Maurice Maeterlinck told about us, brother and sister, in the play The Blue Bird, which the adults liked so much that they remade it into a wonderful Christmas tale. Why Christmas? Yes, because the action in it takes place around Christmas.

If you saw us, you would think that your brother is a Thumb Boy, he looks so much like him, and you would definitely take your sister for Little Red Riding Hood. Our father is a lumberjack. Like all children in the world, we are very fond of receiving gifts and eating sweets, but we rarely succeed, since our father is very poor. And they wrote a book about us because the most incredible fairy-tale adventures happened to us.

Our fairy neighbor's granddaughter fell ill, and this fairy asked us to go to a magical land to find the Blue Bird - only she could help the poor girl recover. We went around the whole magical country, visited the Land of Memories and the Kingdom of the Future, but could not find the magical Blue Bird.

We were very sad, because we passionately wanted to help the sick girl. We have a bird in our house. We loved her very much, but nevertheless we decided to give the bird to the girl, because we thought: what if this bird will be able to help the patient? The most amazing thing is that when we gave the girl our bird, it suddenly changed color and turned blue!

We were looking for the Blue Bird in distant magical countries, but it turned out that she was nearby!

Say our names." (Tiltil and Mytil.)

word game

Target: development of attention, thinking.

Description. The teacher offers the children to decipher the words made up of the letters of the given word using the code.

The word "candy"

encrypted words:

e) S F Q W S R.

Answers: a) vaga; b) grass; c) skin; d) a joke e) jacket.

The word "platform"

encrypted words:

Answers: a) container; b) dad c) a shovel; d) ladder; e) grata.

The letters crumbled

Target: development of attention, thinking.

Description. Children are invited to collect words on a given topic from “scattered” letters.

Women's names


Answer: Irina, Natalia, Larisa, Olga, Ekaterina, Oksana, Elena, Anna, Maria, Victoria.

Male names


Answer: Vadim, Anton, Andrey, Anatoly, Igor, Yuri, Mikhail, Valery, Boris, Grigory.

Academic disciplines


Answer: literature, mathematics, natural history, physical education, technology, drawing, zoology, geography, physics, music.



Answer: zebra, rat, bear, rabbit, cow, pig, giraffe, hippopotamus, crocodile.

Bed dress


Answer: pillow, pillowcase, sheet, duvet cover, blanket, mattress, blanket, feather, mattress, feather bed.



Answer: saw, shovel, scythe, axe, rake, plow, tongs, planer, watering can, hammer, pitchfork.

Sport equipment


Answer: sled, skates, skis, chess, ball, club, bicycle, dumbbells, jump rope.



Answer: armchair, sofa, bed, stool, table, chair, wardrobe, bedside table, sideboard, chest of drawers.


Target: development of attention, logical thinking.

Description. On the board, in random order, are written the words that the characters of the work say. The teacher reads the text, stopping at the places where the speech of the characters should sound. After re-reading, the children substitute words that are suitable in meaning.

The words of the main characters

. “Tell me: what would you do that you can’t do if you didn’t immediately return the donkey?”

. “What would I do? I would buy myself another donkey. But now you tell me: would it be reasonable with my skinny wallet?

. “If they don’t bring me a donkey immediately, something terrible will happen, I will do what I should not do.”


A donkey was stolen from a mullah. The angry victim runs around the bazaar and shouts at the top of his lungs: _______

The crowd of curious people is visibly frightened by these words, and suddenly the donkey suddenly appears near the mullah, although no one saw who brought it. Nevertheless, everyone is glad that the case ended so happily. But then one respectable person asks the mullah: _________

Then the mullah replied: ________

(Eastern history.)


Target: development of attention, memory, thinking.

Description. Children are invited to find a mistake in a Russian proverb (if there is one) and correct it.

Business - time, fun - a minute. (Hour.)

A proverb is a flower, a proverb is a seed. (Berry.)

A bird that does not like its nest is stupid. (Not cute.)

The day is long until evening, when there is nothing to eat. (Make.)

One mind is good, but two is ugly. (Better.)

You can't smear porridge with oil. (Spoil it.)

You can't even pull a pike out of a pond without effort. (Fish.)

And St. Petersburg was not built right away. (Moscow.)

Don't say "cheers" until you jump over. ("Gop".)

In close quarters, but not in an ambush. (Offended.)

Chickens are counted in the spring. (In autumn.)

Finished the job - rest boldly. (Walk.)

Measure seven times, cut seven times. (One.)

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. (Darkness.)

Small spool, but still useful. (expensive)

There is no friend - look for, but found - take care. (That's right.)

To drink tea is not to burn firewood. (Chop.)

There will be spring on our street. (Holiday.)

I salted the porridge myself, and disentangle it myself. (Brewed.)

Every man to his own taste. (That's right.)

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds. (Carry.)

Labor feeds, but laziness does not. (Spoils.)

Moscow is the capital of all cities. (Mother.)

Fear has big eyes. (Great.)

Away is good, but home is bad. (Better.)

Don't rush your feet, hurry up. (Language.)

You lied once, you'll lie another time. (Won't believe.)

A cowardly bunny and a wolf stump. (That's right.)

Whoever undertakes everything, everything succeeds. (Nothing succeeds.)

The pear does not fall far from the apple tree. (Apple.)

You can't help me with money. (Tears.)

They do not look at a given horse's teeth. (That's right.)

What you sow is what you eat. (Reap.)

You can't throw a scarf over someone else's mouth. (That's right.)

Murka knows whose meat she ate. (Cat.)

Life is given to extreme things. (Good.)

From boredom, take an ax in your hands. (A business.)

Gather a berry, pick up a jug. (Body.)

Two plow, and the rest wave their hands. (Seven.)

If you chase three hares, you won't catch a single one. (Two.)

Don't put off until tomorrow what you want to do today. (Can.)

Learning to read and write is always useful. (That's right.)

An old friend is better than two girlfriends. (New two.)

The word is lost!

Target: development of attention, memory, thinking.

Description. Among the words of each line there is one that was not discussed in this tale. The task of the children: to learn this word, and also to name a fairy tale.

Gerda, Kai, roses, sled, kiss, eternity, key. (“The Snow Queen”, H.-K. Andersen.)

Flour, dough, window, wolf, hare, fox, rooster, grandfather, woman. ("Kolobok".)

King, queen, pumpkin, fairies, feast, gifts, sixteenth birthday, spindle, sleep. (“Sleeping Beauty”, C. Perrault.)

Kum Pumpkin, Professor Grusha, Countess Cherry, little Cherry, King Pea, Master Grape, Strawberry Maid, Prince Lemon, Signor Tomato. ("Cipollino", D. Rodari.)

Princess, kingdom, rain, feather beds, pea, walking boots, prince. (“The Princess and the Pea”, H.-K. Andersen.)

Pies, apples, river, sister, brag, wolf, hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga. ("Swan geese".)

Masha, forest, hut, chair, fox, spoon, bowl, bed. ("Three Bears".)

Girl, box, pie, egg, stump, bear. ("Masha and the Bear".)

Mom, grandmother, girl, hare, wolf, basket, pies, forest. (“Little Red Riding Hood”, Ch. Perrault.)

Alyonushka, Ivanushka, falcon, hoof print, kid, merchant, witch. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)

Grandfather, woman, girl, Kashchei the Deathless, fire, snow, cloud. ("Snow Maiden".)

Signor Tomato, Karabas Barabas, Tortila, Malvina, Pierrot, Artemon, Duremar. (“The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, A. Tolstoy.)

Tail, balloon, bees, honey, condensed milk, mirror, gun. (“Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, A. Milne.)

Mole, swallow, ghost, elves, mouse, Maybugs, toad. (“Thumbelina”, H.-K. Andersen.)

Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, sleigh, fish, fox, wolf, cart, tail. ("The Fox and the Wolf.")

Stepmother, sisters, prince, astrologer, king, fairy, watch, shoe. (“Cinderella”, Ch. Perrot.)

Orphan, cow, One-eye, Two-eye, Three-eye, apple tree, sorcerer. ("Khavroshechka")

Buns, jam, boy, ghost, housekeeper, motor, kikimora. (“Kid and Carlson”, A. Lindgren.)

Mill, magic lamp, donkey, king, princess, cat, boots, ogre. (“Puss in Boots”, C. Perrault.)

Barmaley, Avva, Bumba, genie, Kika, Chichi, Tanya, Vanya. (“The Adventures of Dr. Aibolit”, K. I. Chukovsky.)

Van, girl, Gingema, Bastinda, Totoshka, Goodwin, water. (“The Wizard of the Emerald City”, A. Volkov.)

Donkey, dog, cat, rooster, elephant, musicians, robbers. ("The Bremen Town Musicians", brother Grimm.)

Village, buckets, pike, stove, king, Nesmeyana, dwarf. ("By magic".)

Trough, dugout, net, sea, old woman, old man, granddaughter. (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, A. Pushkin.)

Primary school age is necessary for the upbringing of the baby and preparing him for the middle and senior classes.

In the past few years, psychologists have noted an increase in absent-mindedness, coupled with hyperactivity in children of primary school age. If a child cannot force himself to concentrate on something, then he misses out on a lot of the basic material of the educational program, which he needs to master for further successful learning. In such cases, it is necessary to develop attention in younger students. Exercise will help you achieve significant success in this.

involuntary attention

Every person is born with the principle of involuntary attention. So, among small objects, both a child and an adult will immediately find a large one, among green ones - red, among dark ones - light, etc. Marketing moves of many companies are based on this method.

In a small child (4-5 years old), the mechanism of involuntary attention is well developed so that he easily remembers something bright, colorful. Therefore, tasks for preschoolers should be built according to the principle “colorful means noticeable”.

Arbitrary attention

With age, a person develops, he learns to remember and find what he needs, and not what catches the eye. The task of parents is to develop this mechanism in the baby. Almost from the most conscious age, the child hears such words as “look carefully”, “be attentive in class”, “listen carefully to the teacher and behave well”, etc.

Let the baby still not fully understand the meaning of the word “mindfulness”, but from the words of the parent it becomes clear to him that his task is to remember something or just understand.

To play, you will need several blank sheets of paper and ordinary buttons. The first opponent takes three buttons and puts them on his sheet of paper in a certain order, allows the second player (child) to remember the position of the buttons (maximum 20 seconds), then closes the set with a second sheet of paper. The task of the kid on his sheet is to lay out the buttons in the same order as that of his opponent (adult or child). Over time, depending on age or development, you can complicate the game: add more buttons, draw a sheet into cells and put buttons in them.

Search for letters

Attention, thinking goes side by side with the expansion of the horizons of the child, which is not complete without the skill of reading and writing. So, the next game is aimed precisely at the formation of this skill.

The child is offered a sheet with randomly arranged letters. The kid needs, at the direction of adults, to collect words from these letters. For example, an adult says: “Show me how to write your name,” and the child, while speaking, points to the letters of his name in a certain order.


The level of attention development directly depends on the child's ability to self-control, if the baby learns to calm down on his own, without shouting and remarks from adults, then he will take another step towards the successful formation of selective attention. This game is suitable for kindergarten children.

The caregiver or parent tells the child (perhaps a group of children) that they are hunters and they need to listen to every sound in the "forest" so as not to miss good prey. For a while, the children should sit in complete silence (up to 5 minutes). Then tell the adult what they heard. Perhaps it will be the creak of a door or floorboards, the noise of cars outside the window.

Other adults can also be connected to the game, who will create any sounds. For example, the ringing of a bell or the rustling of leaves if there is no wind. Here, children need not only to hear any sounds, but also to remember them in order to tell them later. This is how attention, memory, and motor skills of the child develop.

Thus, the features of the development of the attention of each child are individual, however, the methods invented by teachers and speech therapists ultimately allow all children to grow up and live a happy, fulfilling life without problems with the attention mechanism.

Shamil Akhmadullin

Psychologist, writer, author of more than 30 books and manuals on effective teaching of children, including “Speed ​​Reading for Children. How to teach a child to read quickly and understand what they read, "Development of memory in children." Founder of the network of centers for speed reading, development of memory and intelligence in children

The main activity of children of primary school age is education. It introduces significant changes in psychological processes, placing high demands on the concentration of attention. The ability of children to work effectively in the classroom is the result of the ability to focus on the learning process, the topic and content of the lesson, the words of the teacher and their own actions. That is why it is so important to develop attention, which will help the child to fully learn and successfully cope with the tasks.

What is attention

Attention is a concept in cognitive psychology, meaning the selective focus of perception on certain objects. This is a special state of consciousness in which the subject (child) is able to focus cognitive processes (thinking, perception, imagination,) on specific objects that have personal or situational significance.

Attention is the concentration of a person on objects and phenomena that are most important to him.

How attention is formed in children

For the formation of attention skills in the learning process, it is important to observe several requirements:

  • sufficient pace of learning and the absence of long pauses;
  • reliance on active mental activity (application of tasks for generalization and comparison, search for examples and formation of conclusions);
  • the absence of external stimuli that attract involuntary attention and distract from the cognitive process (loud remarks, comments, sudden movements);
  • clarity and brevity of explanations before the child starts any work.

It is strictly forbidden to comment on the actions of the child when he is concentrated: to make comments, suggest. Hand in hand, you distract the child from the task and force him to concentrate on your words and again at work, which causes fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson.

The formation of attention is facilitated by various games and exercises for observation. The search for correspondences, mistakes, changes attracts and maintains the attention of the child, teaches him to concentrate without an additional call for attention.

How to improve the attention of children 7-10 years old

Small volume, insufficient selectivity, undeveloped switchability and stability of attention are shortcomings that are eliminated due to special exercises included in the educational process. To improve the attention of a child of 7–10 years old, it is necessary to use two types of exercises:

  • special exercises for the development of the basic properties of attention (stability, distribution, concentration);
  • exercises that form attention as a personal property.

Inattention is the result of children's focus on the general, and not on particulars. Grasping the general meaning of the story, the essence of the statement or, the children do not delve into the details, do not take into account important elements.

The purpose of specialized exercises is to teach the child to perceive details against the general background.

The development of the attention of younger schoolchildren, with the right organization, develops into attentiveness - an integral feature of a successful person. It is important to explain this to children, convincing them of how necessary observation is, the ability to look for shortcomings, compare, and see changes. Tell the children that mindful people always have a goal and achieve it with ease.

By forming a daily routine with your child, you will teach him to pay attention to important events in the complex and separately. By gradually developing an action plan, you will teach the student to concentrate on the details.

No less effective for improving the attention of children are exercises with paired control, when classmates exchange the results of their work and look for each other's mistakes. Seeing the failures and shortcomings of others, children learn from the mistakes of others, being more attentive to their own work and its results.

You can improve the attention of the child by accustoming her to discipline, responsibility and accuracy. Attentive children are collected children who treat things with care, know how to take care of loved ones and themselves. Do you want to make your child responsible and attentive? Start and entrust the student to care for him.

Exercises to train the attention of children 7–10 years old

Constant training of attention and memory is the key to the formation of the skills necessary for effective and successful learning in a younger student. The inclusion of the following games in primary education has a positive effect on children's academic performance and their ability to concentrate.

Game "I remember everything"

The game is perfect for pairs or small groups (3-4 people). The main task of the players is to memorize the words in a strict sequence, and a third party (parent, teacher, student appointed by the judge) monitors compliance with the conditions, writing down a chain of words. So that the game does not tire the children, use words of the same subject: fruits, vegetables, cities, countries.

The process of the game looks like this: “Carrot,” says the first player. “Carrots, radishes,” says another. "Carrot, radish, tomato..."

A child who mixes up the sequence or forgets the word is out of the game. The winner is the player who did not make a single mistake.

The competitive nature of the game motivates children, making them participate with interest and train their memory and attentiveness.

Exercise "Find the words"

The game is appropriate in the classroom and perfectly complements the grammar exercises. Children are invited to find words in the alphabetic row, highlighting the superfluous according to a certain attribute: part of speech, gender, number, case.

For example:


Correct answer: dogs is an extra word, as it is a plural noun.


Correct answer: shampoo is an extra word, as it is a masculine noun.

Exercise "Name the color"

An interesting exercise that can be turned into a competition with the choice of the winner. The essence of the task is to accurately name the colors in which the words are written. The game develops concentration, because the child focuses on the color of the font, and not on the word for the color.

Exercise "Find the Differences"

A classic mindfulness exercise. The task of the child is to find all the differences between two similar images that can be found on the Internet. The exercise is suitable for both first graders and students in grades 2-4.

Smaller children aged 7-8 years are better shown with images with a small number of large elements in discreet colors. For older children, bright pictures with an abundance of small details are suitable, the consideration of which trains not only attentiveness, but also improves stability and attention span - the ability to concentrate on several objects at the same time.